Sunday, March 20, 2011

Save the Date

Women's EXPO Hood River
Saturday, April 2nd
Alliance Youth Center

I will be giving two Presentations!

11am Shop Your Closet
All the secrets to figure out how to maximize what you have and put together creative outfits!

2pm Style Your Home
Designer secrets that will take your home from mo-mo to magazine ready!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shop Your House

No cash. No problem.
Most of us have waaaaaay more then we need anyway. We just happen to have it in the wrong place.
1. Move your Furniture - try a new layout to create a warmer, closer conversation area. Consider moving furniture from another room to use it in an unconventional way. For example using a dresser for a TV stand.
2. Move your Art - make groupings of your art work to create a strong focal point. No art you say? Hang a group of plates, wrap an ugly painting with fabric scrap and staple to the back of the canvas.
3. Search the garage and attic. They are full of remnants - left over house paint waiting to become a modern art instillation, part of fence that could be made into a headboard, an old desk that could be painted and become your new entree table.
Save the Date: Hood River reDesign is giving two classes at the Women's Expo April 2nd at the Hood River Alliance Youth Center - Shop Your House, and Shop Your Closet!